
Webbplats analys levels.io

 Genereras på April 26 2018 12:14 PM

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Längd : 9

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Längd : 0

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Egendom Innehåll
locale en_US
type article
title I passed $50,000 in monthly revenue as an indie maker
url https://levels.io/50k/
site_name levels.io


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
10 1 4 0 0 0
  • [H1] I passed $50,000 in monthly revenue as an indie maker
  • [H1] The minimalist wardrobe
  • [H1] I’m Product Hunt’s Maker of the Year again!
  • [H1] Destressing is a job too
  • [H1] Turning side projects into profitable startups
  • [H1] What I learnt from 100 days of shipping
  • [H1] Home is now anywhere
  • [H1] As decentralized as cryptocurrency is: so will be the people working on it.
  • [H1] How to 3d scan any object with just your phone’s camera
  • [H1] In a world of outrage, mute words
  • [H2] Get an email when I write a new post — No bullshit ever
  • [H3] Recent Posts
  • [H3] Archives
  • [H3] Categories
  • [H3] Meta


Vi hittade 9 bilder på denna webbsida.

7 alt attribut är tomma eller saknas. Lägg till alternativ text så att sökmotorer enklare kan förstå innehållet i dina bilder.

Text/HTML Ratio

Ratio : 0%

Denna sidas förhållande mellan text till HTML-kod är lägre än 15 procent, vilket innebär att din webbplats troligen behöver mer textinnehåll.


Perfekt, inga Flash-innehåll har upptäckts på denna sida.


Bra, vi upptäckte inga Iframes på den här sidan.

URL Rewrite

Bra. Dina adressfält ser bra ut!

Understreck i URLen

Perfekt! Inga understreck upptäcktes i din webbadress.

In-page länkar

Vi hittade totalt 135 länkar inklusive 4 länk(ar) till filer

Anchor Typ Juice
Nomad List Interna Passing Juice
Remote OK Interna Passing Juice
Hoodmaps Interna Passing Juice
I experiment w/ 3D Interna Passing Juice
work from anywhere Interna Passing Juice
bootstrap Interna Passing Juice
side projects Interna Passing Juice
open startups Interna Passing Juice
what fits in my backpack Interna Passing Juice
12 startups in 12 months Interna Passing Juice
YouTube Externa Passing Juice
Instagram Interna Passing Juice
Twitter Interna Passing Juice
read my blog Interna Passing Juice
buy Interna Passing Juice
I passed $50,000 in monthly revenue as an indie maker Interna Passing Juice
The minimalist wardrobe Interna Passing Juice
I’m Product Hunt’s Maker of the Year again! Interna Passing Juice
Destressing is a job too Interna Passing Juice
Turning side projects into profitable startups Interna Passing Juice
February 2018 Interna Passing Juice
January 2018 Interna Passing Juice
December 2017 Interna Passing Juice
October 2017 Interna Passing Juice
August 2017 Interna Passing Juice
July 2017 Interna Passing Juice
June 2017 Interna Passing Juice
May 2017 Interna Passing Juice
April 2017 Interna Passing Juice
February 2017 Interna Passing Juice
January 2017 Interna Passing Juice
December 2016 Interna Passing Juice
October 2016 Interna Passing Juice
September 2016 Interna Passing Juice
August 2016 Interna Passing Juice
July 2016 Interna Passing Juice
June 2016 Interna Passing Juice
May 2016 Interna Passing Juice
March 2016 Interna Passing Juice
February 2016 Interna Passing Juice
January 2016 Interna Passing Juice
December 2015 Interna Passing Juice
October 2015 Interna Passing Juice
September 2015 Interna Passing Juice
August 2015 Interna Passing Juice
May 2015 Interna Passing Juice
April 2015 Interna Passing Juice
March 2015 Interna Passing Juice
January 2015 Interna Passing Juice
December 2014 Interna Passing Juice
November 2014 Interna Passing Juice
October 2014 Interna Passing Juice
September 2014 Interna Passing Juice
August 2014 Interna Passing Juice
July 2014 Interna Passing Juice
June 2014 Interna Passing Juice
May 2014 Interna Passing Juice
April 2014 Interna Passing Juice
March 2014 Interna Passing Juice
February 2014 Interna Passing Juice
January 2014 Interna Passing Juice
December 2013 Interna Passing Juice
November 2013 Interna Passing Juice
October 2013 Interna Passing Juice
September 2013 Interna Passing Juice
August 2013 Interna Passing Juice
July 2013 Interna Passing Juice
June 2013 Interna Passing Juice
May 2013 Interna Passing Juice
April 2013 Interna Passing Juice
March 2013 Interna Passing Juice
February 2013 Interna Passing Juice
January 2013 Interna Passing Juice
December 2012 Interna Passing Juice
November 2012 Interna Passing Juice
October 2012 Interna Passing Juice
September 2012 Interna Passing Juice
August 2012 Interna Passing Juice
July 2012 Interna Passing Juice
June 2012 Interna Passing Juice
May 2012 Interna Passing Juice
March 2012 Interna Passing Juice
February 2012 Interna Passing Juice
January 2012 Interna Passing Juice
December 2011 Interna Passing Juice
November 2011 Interna Passing Juice
October 2011 Interna Passing Juice
12 Startups in 12 Months Interna Passing Juice
Asia Interna Passing Juice
Automation Interna Passing Juice
Bali Interna Passing Juice
Bangkok Interna Passing Juice
Bitcoin Interna Passing Juice
Chiang Mai Interna Passing Juice
Co-working spaces Interna Passing Juice
Cover Interna Passing Juice
Creativity Interna Passing Juice
Entrepreneurship Interna Passing Juice
Europe Interna Passing Juice
Future Interna Passing Juice
Hacker News Interna Passing Juice
Ho Chi Minh Interna Passing Juice
Hong Kong Interna Passing Juice
Korea Interna Passing Juice
Learning 3d Interna Passing Juice
Leisure Interna Passing Juice
Minimalism Interna Passing Juice
Music Interna Passing Juice
Myanmar Interna Passing Juice
Nomad List Interna Passing Juice
North Korea Interna Passing Juice
Presentation Interna Passing Juice
Press Interna Passing Juice
Privacy Interna Passing Juice
Quotes Interna Passing Juice
Remote work Interna Passing Juice
Remote working Interna Passing Juice
SaaS Interna Passing Juice
San Francisco Interna Passing Juice
Singapore Interna Passing Juice
Society Interna Passing Juice
Stuff I made Interna Passing Juice
Taiwan Interna Passing Juice
Tech Interna Passing Juice
Thailand Interna Passing Juice
The Netherlands Interna Passing Juice
Travel Interna Passing Juice
Tutorials Interna Passing Juice
Uncategorized Interna Passing Juice
United States Interna Passing Juice
Video Interna Passing Juice
Vietnam Interna Passing Juice
Virtual reality Interna Passing Juice
Log in Interna noFollow
WordPress.org Interna Passing Juice

SEO Nyckelord

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Nyckelord Konsistens

Nyckelord Innehåll Titel Nyckelord Beskrivning Rubriker



Domän : levels.io

Längd : 9


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Vi kunde inte hitta CSS för utskrifter.


Bra. Ditt angivna språk är en.

Dublin Core

Denna sida drar inte nytta utav Dublin Core.





Perfekt. Din deklarerade teckenuppsättning är UTF-8.

W3C Validity

Errors : 47

Varningar : 10

E-post Sekretess

Bra! Ingen e-postadress har hittats i klartext.

Föråldrad HTML

Bra! Vi har inte hittat några föråldrad HTML taggar i din HTML.

Hastighets Tips

Utmärkt, din webbplats använder inga nästlade tabeller.
Synd, din webbplats använder sig utav inline stilar.
Synd, din webbplats har för många CSS-filer (fler än 4 stycken).
Synd, din webbplats har för många JS filer (fler än 6 stycken).
Perfekt, din webbplats utnyttjar gzip.



Apple Ikon
Meta Viewport Tagg
Flash innehåll


XML Sitemap

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Website Review

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