
Website beoordeling zetcode.com

 Gegenereerd op Mei 21 2017 18:28 PM

Oude statistieken? UPDATE !

De score is 74/100

SEO Content


ZetCode, tutorials for programmers

Lengte : 34

Perfect, uw title tag bevat tussen de 10 en 70 karakters.


ZetCode brings tutorials for programmers in various areas. The main are Graphical User Interfaces, databases, and programming languages.

Lengte : 137

Perfect, uw meta description bevat tussen de 70 en 160 karakters.


programming, developing, computer languages, Java, GUI interfaces, databases, Android

Goed, uw bevat meta keywords.

Og Meta Properties

Deze pagina maakt geen gebruik van Og Properties. Deze tags maken het sociale crawlers makkelijker uw pagina te indexeren.


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 9 0 0 0 0
  • [H1] ZetCode
  • [H2] E-books
  • [H2] Graphics
  • [H2] GUI
  • [H2] Web
  • [H2] Languages
  • [H2] Java
  • [H2] Databases
  • [H2] Articles
  • [H2] News


We vonden 0 afbeeldingen in de pagina.

Goed, de meeste of alle afbeeldingen hebben een alt tekst

Text/HTML Ratio

Ratio : 37%

Ideaal! De ratio van text tot HTML code is tussen de 25 en 70 procent.


Perfect, geen Flash content gevonden in uw website.


Perfect, er zijn geen Iframes in uw website aangetroffen.

Herschreven URL

Slecht. Uw links maken gebruik van een query string.

Underscores in de URLs

Perfect! Geen underscores gevonden in uw URLs.

In-page links

We vonden een totaal van 198 links inclusie 0 link(s) naar bestanden

Ankertekst Type samenstelling
Subscribe Extern doFollow
Twitter Extern doFollow
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Facebook Extern doFollow
Tweet Extern doFollow
Introduction to Windows API programming Intern doFollow
Tkinter programming Intern doFollow
Advanced Java Swing Intern doFollow
Advanced PyQt4 Intern doFollow
Java Swing layout management Intern doFollow
Advanced wxPython Intern doFollow
SQLite Python Intern doFollow
Java 2D games tutorial Intern doFollow
Java 2D tutorial Intern doFollow
Cairo graphics tutorial Intern doFollow
PyCairo tutorial Intern doFollow
HTML5 canvas tutorial Intern doFollow
Windows API tutorial Intern doFollow
PyQt4 tutorial Intern doFollow
PyQt5 tutorial Intern doFollow
Qt4 tutorial Intern doFollow
Qt5 tutorial Intern doFollow
PySide tutorial Intern doFollow
Tkinter tutorial Intern doFollow
Tcl/Tk tutorial Intern doFollow
Qt Quick tutorial Intern doFollow
Java Swing tutorial Intern doFollow
JavaFX tutorial Intern doFollow
Java SWT tutorial Intern doFollow
wxWidgets tutorial Intern doFollow
wxPython tutorial Intern doFollow
Mono C# Winforms tutorial Intern doFollow
Java Gnome tutorial Intern doFollow
QtJambi tutorial Intern doFollow
GTK+ tutorial Intern doFollow
Ruby GTK tutorial Intern doFollow
GTK# tutorial Intern doFollow
Visual Basic GTK# tutorial Intern doFollow
PyGTK tutorial Intern doFollow
PHP GTK tutorial Intern doFollow
Qyoto C# tutorial Intern doFollow
Ruby Qt tutorial Intern doFollow
Visual Basic Qyoto tutorial Intern doFollow
IronPython Winforms tutorial Intern doFollow
FreeBASIC GTK tutorial Intern doFollow
Jython Swing tutorial Intern doFollow
JRuby Swing tutorial Intern doFollow
Visual Basic Winforms tutorial Intern doFollow
JavaScript GTK tutorial Intern doFollow
Ruby HTTPClient tutorial Intern doFollow
Ruby Faraday tutorial Intern doFollow
Ruby Net::HTTP tutorial Intern doFollow
Embedded Tomcat tutorial Intern doFollow
Python Requests tutorial Intern doFollow
jQuery tutorial Intern doFollow
Python tutorial Intern doFollow
Ruby tutorial Intern doFollow
PHP tutorial Intern doFollow
Visual Basic tutorial Intern doFollow
Tcl tutorial Intern doFollow
C# tutorial Intern doFollow
Java tutorial Intern doFollow
AWK tutorial Intern doFollow
Introduction to EJBs Intern doFollow
Jetty tutorial Intern doFollow
Tomcat Derby tutorial Intern doFollow
Stripes tutorial Intern doFollow
Stripes, MyBatis, & Derby Intern doFollow
EclipseLink tutorial Intern doFollow
Datasource in Java Intern doFollow
SQL query tag tutorial Intern doFollow
Validation filter tutorial Intern doFollow
Hibernate Validator Intern doFollow
Displaying image in Java Intern doFollow
Introduction to Play Intern doFollow
Introduction to Spark Intern doFollow
Java ResourceBundle Intern doFollow
Jtwig tutorial Intern doFollow
FreeMarker tutorial Intern doFollow
Android tutorial Intern doFollow
Java EE 5 tutorials Intern doFollow
Jsoup tutorial Intern doFollow
JFreeChart tutorial Intern doFollow
ImageIcon tutorial Intern doFollow
MySQL tutorial Intern doFollow
MySQL Python tutorial Intern doFollow
MySQL Perl tutorial Intern doFollow
MySQL C API tutorial Intern doFollow
MySQL Visual Basic tutorial Intern doFollow
MySQL PHP tutorial Intern doFollow
MySQL Java tutorial Intern doFollow
MySQL Ruby tutorial Intern doFollow
MySQL C# tutorial Intern doFollow
SQLite tutorial Intern doFollow
SQLite C tutorial Intern doFollow
SQLite PHP tutorial Intern doFollow
SQLite Python tutorial Intern doFollow
SQLite Perl tutorial Intern doFollow
SQLite Ruby tutorial Intern doFollow
SQLite C# tutorial Intern doFollow
SQLite Visual Basic tutorial Intern doFollow
PostgreSQL C tutorial Intern doFollow
PostgreSQL Python tutorial Intern doFollow
PostgreSQL Ruby tutorial Intern doFollow
PostgreSQL PHP tutorial Intern doFollow
PostgreSQL Java tutorial Intern doFollow
Apache Derby tutorial Intern doFollow
SQLAlchemy tutorial Intern doFollow
MongoDB PHP tutorial Intern doFollow
MongoDB Java tutorial Intern doFollow
MongoDB JavaScript tutorial Intern doFollow
MongoDB Ruby tutorial Intern doFollow
JdbcTemplate tutorial Intern doFollow
JDBI tutorial Intern doFollow
MyBatis tutorial Intern doFollow
Hibernate Derby tutorial Intern doFollow
Serving plain text from Java servlet Intern doFollow
Java servlet JSON tutorial Intern doFollow
Copying file in Java Intern doFollow
JavaScript Mustache tutorial Intern doFollow
Java 8 forEach tutorial Intern doFollow
Reading JSON from URL in JavaScript Intern doFollow
Spring Boot @RequestParam tutorial Intern doFollow
Java servlet HTTP headers Intern doFollow
Java servlet check box tutorial Intern doFollow
Java servlet image tutorial Intern doFollow
Serving image file in Spring Boot Intern doFollow
Creating PDF report in Spring Boot Intern doFollow
Spring Boot basic annotations Intern doFollow
Spring Boot REST Data JPA tutorial Intern doFollow
Hibernate one-to-many relationship tutorial Intern doFollow
Spring Boot CSV tutorial Intern doFollow
Loading resources in Spring Boot Intern doFollow
Spring Boot REST H2 tutorial Intern doFollow
Spring Boot Mustache tutorial Intern doFollow
Spring Boot Thymeleaf configuration Intern doFollow
Spring Boot automated controller Intern doFollow
Spring Boot FreeMarker tutorial Intern doFollow
Spring Boot Environment Intern doFollow
Spring Boot Thymeleaf tutorial Intern doFollow
Spring Boot Swing integration Intern doFollow
The history of element iteration in Java Intern doFollow
Spring Boot listing beans Intern doFollow
Spring Boot Bean Intern doFollow
Spring Boot @Qualifier annotation Intern doFollow
Serving static content in Spring Boot Intern doFollow
Spring Boot DataSourceBuilder tutorial Intern doFollow
Spring Boot H2 tutorial Intern doFollow
Spring Boot iText tutorial Intern doFollow
Spring Boot web JasperReports integration Intern doFollow
JasperReports scriptlets Intern doFollow
Spring Boot cmd JasperReports integration Intern doFollow
Embedded and client/server JavaDB programming Intern doFollow
Creating a table with JasperReports library Intern doFollow
Creating a report from CSV with JasperReports Intern doFollow
Using JasperReports' JRViewer to display report Intern doFollow
Creating a report with JasperReports API Intern doFollow
Spring HikariCP tutorial Intern doFollow
Spring Boot RESTFul application Intern doFollow
Jersey application with embedded Jetty Intern doFollow
Web URL in a Jersey application Intern doFollow
Using HikariCP connection pool Intern doFollow
JdbcTemplate in a classic Spring application Intern doFollow
Introduction to Spring web applications Intern doFollow
Selecting and deselecting all JCheckBoxes Intern doFollow
Reading CSV inside WAR Intern doFollow
Standalone Spring applications Intern doFollow
Servlet FreeMarker JdbcTemplate tutorial Intern doFollow
Spring Boot first web application Intern doFollow
Openpyxl tutorial Intern doFollow
Python list comprehensions Intern doFollow
jQuery Autocomplete tutorial Intern doFollow
Using jsGrid component Intern doFollow
jQuery DatePicker tutorial Intern doFollow
Displaying data from Derby in EasyUI datagrid Intern doFollow
Java ArrayList tutorial Intern doFollow
Reading and writing ICO files in Java Intern doFollow
Reading text files in C# Intern doFollow
Reading a web page in C# Intern doFollow
Filtering a list in Java Intern doFollow
Reading a web page in Java Intern doFollow
Reading text files in Java Intern doFollow
Convenience factory methods for Java collections Intern doFollow
Introduction to Google Guava Intern doFollow
Opencsv tutorial Intern doFollow
Java 8 StringJoiner Intern doFollow
Perl LWP programming Intern doFollow
PHP filesystem functions Intern doFollow
New language features in PHP 7 Intern doFollow
Date and time in C# Intern doFollow
Date and time in C Intern doFollow
Long-running task in Tkinter Intern doFollow
Writing a package in Python Intern doFollow
The Oracle JDeveloper IDE Intern doFollow
Installing Qt4 on Linux Intern doFollow
C/C++ development in Netbeans IDE Intern doFollow
C/C++ development in Eclipse IDE Intern doFollow
Python development in NetBeans IDE Intern doFollow

SEO Keywords

Keywords Cloud

java servlet written tutorial spring sqlite boot python mysql ruby

Keywords Consistentie

Keyword Content Title Keywords Description Headings
tutorial 115
java 37
spring 35
boot 31
written 15



Domein : zetcode.com

Lengte : 11


Goed, uw website heeft een favicon.


Jammer. We vonden geen Print-Vriendelijke CSS.


Goed. Uw ingestelde taal is en.

Dublin Core

Deze pagina maakt geen gebruik van Dublin Core.





Perfect. Uw ingestelde Charset is UTF-8.

W3C Validiteit

Fouten : 0

Waarschuwingen : 0

E-mail Privacy

Geweldig er is geen e-mail adres gevonden als platte tekst!

Niet ondersteunde HTML

Geweldig! We hebben geen niet meer ondersteunde HTMl tags gevonden in uw HTML.

Speed Tips

Geweldig, uw website heeft geen tabellen in een tabel.
Perfect. Er zijn geen inline CSS style gevonden in uw HTML!
Geweldig, uw website heeft een correct aantal CSS bestanden.
Perfect, uw website heeft een correct aantal JavaScript bestanden.
Perfect, uw website haalt voordeel uit gzip.


Mobile Optimization

Apple Icon
Meta Viewport Tag
Flash content


XML Sitemap


Uw website heeft geen XML sitemap- dit kan problematisch zijn.

Een sitemap vermeld url's die beschikbaar zijn voor crawlen en kan extra informatie bevatten zoals uw laatste site-updates, frequentie van wijzigingen en het belang van de url's. Dit laat zoekmachines toe om de site intelligenter te doorzoeken.



Geweldig uw website heeft een robots.txt bestand.


Perfect, uw website heeft een analytics tool.

   Google Analytics

PageSpeed Insights


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