
Website review whistle.com

 Generated on December 24 2020 12:55 PM

Old data? UPDATE !

The score is 45/100

SEO Content


Whistle GPS Pet Tracker and Activity Monitor for Pets | Whistle Store

Length : 69

Perfect, your title contains between 10 and 70 characters.


Whistle GPS Pet Tracker and Activity Monitor provide insights into your dog's behavior by tracking daily activities, health trends, and location.

Length : 145

Great, your meta description contains between 70 and 160 characters.


Very bad. We haven't found meta keywords on your page. Use this free online meta tags generator to create keywords.

Og Meta Properties

Good, your page take advantage of Og Properties.

Property Content
url https://www.whistle.com/
site_name Whistle
type website
title Whistle GPS Pet Tracker and Activity Monitor for Pets | Whistle Store
image https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0231/7673/files/2078657_600x600.png?v=1605313715
image:secure_url https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0231/7673/files/2078657_600x600.png?v=1605313715
image:width 1200
image:height 628
description Whistle GPS Pet Tracker and Activity Monitor provide insights into your dog's behavior by tracking daily activities, health trends, and location.


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
2 1 0 1 1 0
  • [H1]
  • [H1] Whistle 360º pet tracking
  • [H2] Oh, hey—let’s be inbox friends!
  • [H4] Sign up for offers & learn more about Whistle 360º tracking
  • [H5] { item.product_title }


We found 59 images on this web page.

58 alt attributes are empty or missing. Add alternative text so that search engines can better understand the content of your images.

Text/HTML Ratio

Ratio : 5%

This page's ratio of text to HTML code is below 15 percent, this means that your website probably needs more text content.


Perfect, no Flash content has been detected on this page.


Too Bad, you have Iframes on the web pages, this mean that content in an Iframe cannot be indexed.

URL Rewrite

Good. Your links looks friendly!

Underscores in the URLs

We have detected underscores in your URLs. You should rather use hyphens to optimize your SEO.

In-page links

We found a total of 28 links including 1 link(s) to files

Anchor Type Juice
HOME Internal Passing Juice
PRODUCTS Internal Passing Juice
Collars & Leashes Internal Passing Juice
Replacement Parts Internal Passing Juice
HOLIDAY SPECIALS Internal Passing Juice
SUPPORT Internal Passing Juice
{ item.product_title } Internal Passing Juice
CHECKOUT Internal Passing Juice
Read more reviews External Passing Juice
Start a chat External Passing Juice
Our Story Internal Passing Juice
Careers Internal Passing Juice
Press Internal Passing Juice
Blog Internal Passing Juice
COVID-19-Hub Internal Passing Juice
Pet Insight Project External Passing Juice
Affiliates Internal Passing Juice
Refer a Friend Internal Passing Juice
Contact Us Internal Passing Juice
Legal Internal Passing Juice
Privacy External Passing Juice
Legal External Passing Juice
Cookies External Passing Juice
CA Supply Chain Act External Passing Juice
Incorporated Ad Choices External Passing Juice
Accessibility External Passing Juice
Modern Slavery Act External Passing Juice
Racial Equity Commitment External Passing Juice

SEO Keywords

Keywords Cloud

petslovewhistle legal follow formatmoney sign act specials science whistle holiday

Keywords Consistency

Keyword Content Title Keywords Description Headings
whistle 3
holiday 2
follow 2
specials 2
formatmoney 2



Domain : whistle.com

Length : 11


Great, your website has a favicon.


We could not find a Print-Friendly CSS.


Good. Your declared language is en.

Dublin Core

This page does not take advantage of Dublin Core.





Perfect. Your declared charset is UTF-8.

W3C Validity

Errors : 10

Warnings : 12

Email Privacy

Great no email address has been found in plain text!

Deprecated HTML

Great! We haven't found deprecated HTML tags in your HTML.

Speed Tips

Excellent, your website doesn't use nested tables.
Too bad, your website is using inline styles.
Too bad, your website has too many CSS files (more than 4).
Too bad, your website has too many JS files (more than 6).
Perfect, your website takes advantage of gzip.


Mobile Optimization

Apple Icon
Meta Viewport Tag
Flash content


XML Sitemap


Your website does not have an XML sitemap - this can be problematic.

A sitemap lists URLs that are available for crawling and can include additional information like your site's latest updates, frequency of changes and importance of the URLs. This allows search engines to crawl the site more intelligently.



Great, your website has a robots.txt file.


Great, your website has an analytics tool.

   Google Analytics

PageSpeed Insights


Website Review

Website Review is a free SEO tool which provides you content analysis of the website.